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Core Values

The core values of LBS serve to provide a foundation and guide for instruction in both Christian faith and practice.  The core values embody the vision and mission of the school.  LBS seeks to provide an educational experience that is marked by the pursuit of truth, the cultivation of honor and virtue and the fulfillment of the call to serve.

The three core values of LBS are:

Truth:  We demonstrate the truth by knowing Jesus Christ who is the Truth.  The Scriptures are the revelation of Jesus Christ as the truth. The Scriptures are the authoritative standard of truth for all Christian faith and practice.  The Scriptures govern how we think, learn, live and serve.  (Jn 1:17, Jn 14:6, 2 Tim 3:16) 

Integrity: We exist to honor Jesus Christ by conducting our lifestyles in moral and spiritual excellence. (2 Tim 2:21, Titus 2:3-7, 2Pe 1:5-8)

Service:  We give our lives to serve Jesus Christ and His call empowered by the Holy Spirit to supernaturally demonstrate the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Jn 13:34-35, Col 1:9-11; Mk 16:15-18)
