1. Complete the online application at lighthousebibleschool.com/admissions/application.
2. Submit References
All applicants must submit two references. Download the Pastor’s Reference and the Friend’s Reference forms from the LBS website. After completion of the top section of each form, give the form to the appropriate person with a stamped envelope addressed to Lighthouse Bible School, PO Box 1250, Sonoma CA 95476. References may also be emailed to the Registrar at registrar@lighthousebibleschool.com.
3. Write Autobiographical Essay
Applicants must submit an autobiographical essay of 500 words in length, maximum. Be sure to include information about your: salvation experience, current relationship with Jesus Christ; current Christian service, life goals and why you would like to attend LBS. The essay may be either emailed or mailed to the Registrar at the above address.
4. Sign an Agreement with our Statement of Fundamental Truths & LBS Leadership Honor Code
Every student must agree to and abide by these truths and code of behavior. These documents become a contractual part of the student’s experience at the school.
5. Interview
After LBS has received the completed application, prospective Full-Time Internship Students must also schedule an interview with the school Administrator prior to acceptance. Contact the Registrar for an appointment.