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Grading Policy

Students will earn letter grades translated into a numerical value for completed course work.  The grade point system will reflect the following scale:


 Letter Grade    Grade Scale   Grade Point 
A 100-90% 4.0
B 89-80% 3.0
C 79-70% 2.0
D 69-60% 1.0
F Below 60% 0.0
W Withdrawl 0.0
I  Incomplete INC


Report Card

Report Cards will be issued at the end of each semester.  Report Cards show completed courses with letter grades and a GPA for the current semester as well as cumulative GPA for all completed course work.  Additionally, the report card may show a “W” for withdrawal from a course and an “I” for incomplete course work.  If a student follows the appropriate LBS procedure for withdrawal, the course will not appear on their transcripts and thus not be factored into their GPA.  If a student does not follow the Withdrawal procedures, the course will be assigned a 0.0 GPA score.  The grade “I” signifies incomplete but satisfactory work.  An “I” may be granted by appeal to the Administration for extenuating circumstances.  If incomplete work is not made up within one month following the scheduled date of the final exam, the “I” is changed to the grade the student earned, averaging a zero in the place of the missing work. 

If an instructor finds it necessary to change a student’s grade for a legitimate reason, a grade change can be issued.  A student has up to three months after a grade has been issued to appeal to the instructor for a grade change. 


The Academic Honors list, published following the end of each semester, honors all degree-seeking students with twelve or more units who have earned a GPA of 3.3 or above for that semester.  A GPA of 3.8 or above qualifies as high honors.   Official honors status will be based upon their cumulative GPA at the completion of all coursework required for graduation and will be indicated on the permanent transcript and on the diploma.  Students must earn a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher to graduate.

Academic Integrity

Each student is responsible to maintain integrity and honesty in all academic work.  Lack of integrity evidenced by, but not limited to cheating, plagiarism and/or misrepresentations will be addressed by the LBS administration on a case by case basis in a Biblical, redemptive manner.  


Regular and punctual class attendance is expected and is essential to optimum academic achievement. Students who miss more than two classes in any course during the semester will be placed on academic probation. Students are responsible for initiating and completing the process of makeup work.
