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Academic Courses

Lighthouse Bible School offers a two year program broken into four semesters with four classes offered in each semester in Biblical studies, theology and practical ministry.  Students may enroll in the program at any point.  However, the practical ministry courses must be completed in sequence. 

Fall 1st Semester
Course No. Course Title Credits
01BIBL Old Testament I  3
05BIBL Life of Christ  3
09THEO Foundation of Christian Doctrine  3
09THEO Foundation of Christian Doctrine 
(en Español)
Spring 2nd Semester
Course No. Course Title Credits
02BIBL Old Testament II  3
06THEO Holy Spirit and Book of Acts  3
11PMIN Foundations of Spiritual Ministry  5
05BIBL Life of Christ
(en Español)


Fall 3rd Semester
Course No. Course Title Credits
03BIBL Old Testament III  3
07BIBL New Testament Letters I  3
12PMIN The Church & the Effective Christian Leader  5


Spring 4th Semester
Course No. Course Title Credits
04BIBL Old Testament IV  3
08BIBL New Testament Letters II  3
10THEO Eschatology:Ezekiel, Daniel & Revelation  3
13PMIN Assemblies of God, History & Polity (For Certification with AG)  4