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Catalog » 1st Semester » Course Details
Title: Old Testament I
Course No.: 01BIBL
Description: Old Testament 1 focuses on the study of the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Bible. Starting with Genesis, the purpose of this course is to receive God's revelation of Himself by studying His character and nature. Through examining God’s revelation in His creation and the lives of the Hebrew Patriarchs, students gain insight into His eternal plan of redemption; covenantal dealings with Israel; and the significance of themes such as the fall of mankind from God’s original intention and the Law of Moses. These spiritual truths and revelations from the Pentateuch serve as the foundational lens through which we accurately interpret and apply the entire Bible in the lives of Christian believers today. Completion of this course fulfills requirements for both the Level 1 Biblical Studies & Theology Certificate and the Level 2 Ministerial Studies Certificate.
Semester: Fall
Year: 1
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