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Catalog » 3rd Semester » Course Details
Title: New Testament Letters I
Course No.: 07BIBL
Description: New Testament Letters I is the study of the letters written by the Apostle Paul to teach, encourage, exhort, and address issues in the churches. Each letter reveals Paul’s Father heart for those churches he had “begotten in the Gospel”. Paul’s letters address the unique challenges each church faced in his absence. Paul communicates doctrine, guidelines for practical living, and specific instructions regarding situations. The course covers the book of Romans through Colossians. The course theme centers upon Paul’s revelation of the mystery of Christ, and its applications to the believer, the church, and the dealings of God in the earth. Additionally, there is an emphasis on Pentecostal themes and the Gifts & Baptism of the Holy Spirit. This course fulfills requirements for both the Level 1 Biblical Studies & Theology Certificate and Level 2 Ministerial Studies Certificate.
Semester: Fall
Year: 2
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